Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A New Week of Meals coming next weekend!

I need to apologize. Anyone NOT on my facebook page, or a friend in real life, probably doesn't know why I have disappeared as of late. I recently accepted a very exciting new DAYSHIFT position and in doing so I got very, very busy for a few weeks.

First there was the heartache of leaving a place that I truly loved working. That was hard. I had built up some great relationships in five years of being there. While it's true it's not goodbye forever, it is the realization that I don't get to see those people every day that made me sad.

So then after that, I had two weeks of travel in order to be trained for my new job. I left my husband with the children and I went travelling to a couple of different states for a couple of weeks. Not as glamorous as I had pictured. I'm all trained now, back in Arizona, and I'm in my first week of actually working in the building. I haven't done any real work yet but I will, starting next week.

I have enjoyed coming home before 5pm and cooking dinner with my husband. As long as we remember to pull out something the night before to defrost, we're good. We're flying by the seat of our pants as I get used to this routine. BUT I'M ON DAYSHIFT!!

I know what will help... It's time for some meal planning! By next Sunday I'll have a new week of recipes and a shopping list up. My new coworkers are fantastic so I think I'll be making some treats to break in our new breakroom... If I do, I'll post that recipe too. Salty Caramel Snickerdoodle Blondies..... yum! Thanks for your patience everyone! xoxo